Saturday, March 5, 2011

Harold Faltermeyer's under-appreciated theme tune has been given a russian revisitation.  It's a very bold thing to go two minutes without fleshing out the song you are remixing, and 7he Myriads manage to finesse the original in a very period-appropriate fashion.  It is part John Carpenter and part Max Payne 2, if that makes any sense.  If you have yet to see the film, I suggest you do so before listening to this, then your experience will be complete.

Bird1 (Farfletched Remix)

I'm lowering my standards so I can post more often.  Underworld often have lacklustre execution and trite relevance, but this remix brings out the right stuff.  The first half of the track is a solid walking groove with a good pace.  The lyrical flow begins to mature in the third section and that is where the track becomes memorable and complete.  A fine summation of existing elements woven into a steady mood piece that is now part of my permanent collection.